Micro-networks and multi-source systems

AC micro grid bench

This is an experimental environment with a power of 10 kW that allows the emulation on a reduced scale and the study of AC micro-grids, representative of decentralised generation systems interconnecting different energy sources. This bench is made up of three production units driven by a DSpace 1007 system and enables studies to be carried out on the contribution of hierarchical controls to the stabilisation of micro-grids and the improvement of power quality.
AC micro-grid platform

Network stability studies

Multi-source system for the control and energy management of isolated micro-grids

IREENA has a multi-source system test bench composed of storage devices (electrochemical batteries), supercapacitors, sources such as fuel cells (2 KW) and photovoltaic panels (3 kW peak), as well as various power electronics interfaces, a computer (racks with DSpace system and current and voltage measurement interfaces) and load and source emulators The bench has a nominal power of 5 kW (load side). The main objective of this platform is to be able to test different energy management strategies in a realistic and "full scale" environment. Thanks to its flexibility, it is possible to test several electrical architectures and to test certain failure modes such as the loss of one or more storage or production components.

safran emrax

Multi-source platform for the implementation of energy management strategies

Long duration and high sampling frequency acquisition system for monitoring the consumption of electrical installations

This acquisition system has been designed to have a cost of less than 300 euros and to be minimally intrusive. It acquires voltage and current at the connection point of a house at a sampling rate of 6.5 kHz and has a storage capacity that allows acquisitions to be made over several weeks. It has provided a dataset that has highlighted the interest of certain descriptors for recognising domestic loads with a low error rate.
Voltage-current acquisition system for the acquisition of consumption profiles of electrical appliances.
IREENA's equipment and platforms were partly co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
Mis à jour le 06 April 2023.