Welcome to the IREENA - UR 4642

The Nantes Atlantique Electrical Energy Research Institute, based in Saint-Nazaire, is made up of 65 people, including 24 research professors, 2 associate researchers, 1 emeritus professor, 6 post-doctoral students, 2 IATSS, 2 research engineers and 22 doctoral students. The permanent staff are attached to Polytech Nantes, the IUT of Saint-Nazaire, the IUT of La Roche-sur-Yon, the ICAM and the ESEO Angers.

IREENA conducts upstream research with an application focus that can address societal challenges such as the safety and reliability of components and systems, energy efficiency for sustainable development, renewable energies, particularly marine renewable energies, and the industry of the future. The proposed solutions adopt a system approach supported by original modeling approaches. The laboratory's fields of application mainly concern transport (naval, aeronautical, automotive), sustainable energy management (offshore wind, hydro) and smartgrids (housing, energy mix).

The laboratory is structured in 3 Thematic Research Units (TRU):





Unit Director : Didier TRICHET

Direction assistant : Christine BROHAN
Tél : (+33)2 49 14 20 02

37, boulevard de l'université
CS 90406, 44612 Saint-Nazaire
Mis à jour le 01 February 2024.